Preparing Students to Lead

Effective leadership can help guide people through uncertain times. In these uncertain times we need effective leaders today and in the future. Now is a great time to develop the leaders of tomorrow and provide them with opportunities to grow and practice effective leadership. So, what makes a leader effective? Leadership is about people and behaviour. In their best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner asked people to describe their personal leadership experiences that were extraordinary. Their research discovered that effective leaders continuously demonstrated the following five practices:

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviours which makes it them ideal to help develop young and emerging leaders. Adventureworks has helped many schools, both secondary and post-secondary, and youth focused organizations develop the leadership skills and abilities of youth. We have incorporated the Five Practices and the Student Leadership Personal Inventory (LPI®) along with our adventure-based learning activities and approaches to help make the learning impactful and lasting.

The practices do require practice which makes our adventure-based learning approach effective. If you work with young leaders and would like to develop their leadership skills today to empower them to be better tomorrow, we can help. Our single or multi-day sessions can be delivered in both virtual and in-person formats. Contact us today to develop the leaders of tomorrow.

Written By Shawn Stetson