Leveraging Team Success with Extended DISC®

Today, more than ever, we are constantly communicating with others and in a variety of formats. Whether it is face-to-face, with masks on of course, or in a virtual setting, you have probably noticed that it is easier to relate to, and communicate with, certain people. With some people it seems as though there is an instant, effortless, and mutual understanding of what is being said and a shared way of seeing the world around you. It feels great when this happens. 

The opposite can also be true, when communication takes a lot of effort, and you just can’t quite seem to understand where the other person is coming from, what they really want, or what their intentions are. These interactions likely leave you feeling disappointed, frustrated, and even exhausted and with the results you were not aiming for.

This happens because we all have natural tendencies and preferences with how we like to communicate and work with others. While it is easier to work with others who have similar preferences, it is not impossible to work effectively with those who prefer different approaches, it just takes an intentional effort, and often practice. 

Adventureworks! has worked with a variety of groups to help them communicate and work more effectively together. We use a variety of adventure-base activities to help groups understand the preferences of others and practice how to leverage success within their team or group. We often combine these facilitated activities with a tool called Extended DISC®. 

The Extended DISC® System is based on behavioural theories that have been used for over 90 years and provides a map to more successful interactions with others. We combine this tool with our facilitated activities and reflection to help groups and teams:

  • Identify the four main behavioural styles

  • Understand how others perceive each style

  • Learn how to read other people and better understand them

  • Learn how to adjust personal styles to achieve goals

Using Extended DISC® as a tool to better understand others can also help with other aspects of your life such as:

  • Designing and facilitating programs and sessions that work for all types of communicators

  • Working on projects with a partner

  • Sales

  • Interacting with family and friends

 Contact us today to start your next adventure using Extended DISC®.

Written by Shawn Stetson